Gold Rush Lakewood

What Is Sterling Silver, and Is It Valuable? (2022 Guide)
Thursday, August 18th 2022, 4:00 AM

Consult this guide for all things sterling silver

Lakewood, United States - August 18, 2022 / Gold Rush Lakewood /

For centuries upon centuries, silver has been a precious metal that’s been used to make everything from jewelry to utensils and has even been utilized for medicinal purposes by some cultures throughout history. In modern times, silver is still a popular precious metal, and while it’s no longer used to treat illnesses or injuries, it is still quite valuable.

What is sterling silver?

While pure silver is certainly the most precious type of silver, sterling silver is also valuable and is commonly used in jewelry making and silverware. Pure silver is, as its name would suggest, made from 100% silver whereas sterling silver consists of 92.5% silver and the rest is made up of other metals, such as copper, nickel, or zinc.

What are the benefits of using sterling silver?

Sterling silver is often a more practical choice for making objects like jewelry and silverware because the addition of other metals makes silver more durable. Pure silver is very soft and has the tendency to break, which would not be conducive to producing a viable product. 

Cost also becomes a very appealing aspect of using sterling silver over pure silver. Pure silver is significantly more expensive than sterling silver, which is an alloy. Additionally, sterling silver is easier to find and because of its durability, sterling silver pieces will last for many years, and if cared for properly, may last a lifetime.

How valuable is sterling silver?

The first step in ascertaining the value of your silver is figuring out what kind you have. When it comes to sterling silver, any product that is made from the alloy in the United States will receive one of three stamps: .925, Sterling, or Sterling Silver. These marks indicate that it is not pure silver, however, that does not mean sterling silver is not valuable.

Factors that contribute to the value of sterling silver pieces include where they were made, the other metals included in their alloy, and what the item is. For example, instruments made from sterling silver can be quite valuable because there are very few of them, and the same goes for certain types of jewelry and silverware. 

Items that contain an even lower amount of silver will be stamped with either 800 or 900, meaning that the value will be significantly less than 925 sterling silver. When trading in any silver item, it is imperative to know the exact silver content you’re dealing with so you can ensure that you get the best price for your items.

How do you care for sterling silver?

The most important thing to remember when dealing with silver, or any precious metals for that matter, is that so much of their value is dependent upon their condition. If your silver is well cared for, whether it’s pure silver or sterling silver, you’re sure to be offered a better price than poorly cared for silver. Knowing the difference between metals will also determine how you take care of them because not every precious metal requires the same treatment. 

As mentioned previously, sterling silver is an alloy, which means that water and other commonly used chemicals may cause it to tarnish. Keep your sterling silver in a cloth bag to prevent damage. Occasionally you’ll want to remove it from the bag to polish it to prevent any tarnish from building up. Use a cloth as well as products specifically formulated to care for silver.

Remember that sterling silver pieces hold great value if you find yourself in need of cash or in possession of pieces you no longer need. It may be worthwhile to sell your silver to a reputable buyer. 

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Lakewood, CO 80226
United States

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(303) 282-4651

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